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Hello! My name is Ian.

I'm a Software Engineer based in Portland, Oregon. I recently built Beekeeper. Beekeeper is an open-source Backend as a Service (BaaS) for a virtual wait room. Beekeeper uses Node.js and AWS-SDK to deploy an architecture that intercepts a burst of traffic and diffuses it over time to a sensitive endpoint. Have a look at this case study to learn more. I am always open to opportunities.

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More About Me

I am an algorithmic thinker and I like to build things. I find abstract things even more exciting because the possibilities are endless.

I have experience in Ruby, JavaScript and Go but consider myself language agnostic.

Contact Info:

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Recent Projects


Beekeeper is an open source tool for rapid deployment of a virtual wait room. Beekeeper is a backend as a service (BaaS) designed to handle bursty traffic from one-off events. It provides an easy-to-deploy and ready-to-scale solution for clients serving one off events (such as a sale or promotion) with bursty traffic.

For existing infrastructures, Beekeeper abstracts away the complexity of setting up a virtual wait room. When deployed it provides a URL that can be used as a promotional link to direct user traffic through the Beekeeper infrastructure and then to a specified endpoint at some pre-set rate.

Read more about the project: Case Study

Try it out with npm: beekeeper-cli

Beekeeper project logo

Older Projects

Seal bin project logo

Seal Bin

Website for inspecting web hook requests in a human-friendly way. Built using Node.js, WebSockets and Postgres. Deployed on a DigitalOcean droplet using Nginx.

Free bee project logo


Free version of NYTimes spelling bee puzzle built with Sinatra, Ruby, JavaScript, HTML, CSS.

Nello project logo


Drag and drop kanban board built with Node.js, React, Redux and MongoDB.

Dijkstra project logo

Dijkstra's Route

Interactive web app for viewing the shortest available route between two airports built with React.